01292 678373 | 07837 011690 jane@positively-speaking.co.uk

Positively Speaking: updating our positive CPD!

Continuous professional development (CPD) is important for all of us – even the training providers! Jane Cameron completed Open University on-line learning course ‘Take your teaching online’ and an ‘On-line Facilitation Skills’ module in Summer 2020.  Following this, Positively Speaking training techniques and materials were adapted to ensure suitability for on-line trainer-lead delivery and to ensure participant inclusivity, interaction and participation. Jane also updated her CPD by attending a skills training course with Speakers Trust Training Charity (Communication and Confidence Skills Training) in January 2020.

UNISON: positive assertiveness in the work-place

Assertive and confident communication and behaviour in the work-place can build self-esteem, improve relationships and promote effective working practices. In Autumn 2020, we delivered 16 on-line training courses with members of UNISON from the social and care sectors and from local authorities across Scotland. This training was delivered via Scottish Union Learning, funded by ScotGov. Learners considered the benefits of assertiveness, practised various assertiveness techniques and considered options for effectively dealing with challenges in the work-place. Importantly, learners considered how showing respect to others and using open-listening techniques are part of assertive behaviour.

LUC: positive environmental talks

In April 2019 we delivered an interactive workshop at the Glasgow offices of LUC, an environmental planning, design and management consultancy. They work with a wide range of contacts and were keen to ensure their communication continued to be impactful and engaging. Jane delivered a session on effective communication skills and members from LUC Glasgow and Edinburgh offices then each delivered a prepared presentation. Constructive feedback provided developmental considerations and the session resulted in positive team shared learning with energised communication.

Girlguiding Scotland: promoting positive change

Girlguiding Scotland: promoting positive change

In May 2019 we worked with an enthusiastic group of Girlguides to provide media skills training for their new roles as Speak Out Champions. The group explored techniques for promoting Future Girl, the Girlguiding girl-led manifesto for change. Persuasive presentations were developed on subjects such as bullying, gender stereotypes, appearance pressures and the environment. The group also practised answering questions to ensure they communicated a positive message for Future Girl to engage and inspire others. Great to see girls promoting positive and active change!

EIS Equality Reps: positively promoting fairness in workplace

EIS Equality Reps: positively promoting fairness in workplace

Positively Speaking have delivered several workshops for EIS (Scotland’s largest education union). Our most recent was supporting effective work-place communication and assertive skills for EIS Equality Reps whose role is to advise, support and engage with equality issues. Delegates practised communication techniques to advocate clearly whilst respecting others; they also developed skills to increase the effectiveness of their workplace communication using relevant content and persuasive delivery. We look forward to working again with EIS.