01292 678373 | 07837 011690 jane@positively-speaking.co.uk

PS Youth Workshops

Within the Scottish education sector, Positively Speaking workshops support the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence’s four capacities and their Experiences and Outcomes; specifically, SQA National 4 & 5 comprising skills for learning, life and work.  Training in confidence and communication skills supports the Enterprising Schools initiative and youth activity/employability services such as YEAP (Youth Employment Activity Plan) and DYW (Developing the Young Workforce). 

Within the Scottish youth sector Positively Speaking workshops provide training to equip young people with confidence and communication skills to act as peer ambassadors, to speak-up for themselves/others and to promote their employability and active involvement in their community or organisations.

Positively Speaking logo

mic-greenPS Youth Workshops

For Schools and Youth Groups: training to equip young people with the communication skills to develop their self-esteem, improve their employment/enterprise opportunities and participate with active involvement in their community.  Positively Speaking Youth Workshops are suitable for primary/secondary schools, further education and youth organisations.


bubs-greenPS Workplace/Organisation Workshops

For support workers and employees to improve their confidence and effectiveness in communicating their ideas, and recommendations.  Confidence training supports productive working relationships and develops affirmative self-esteem to help progression in career and personal development.


pencil-bub-greenPS Individual Training

For individuals: training to support individuals with communication and presentation skills to enable compelling and engaging presentations.  Specific training in Interview Skills or Assertiveness Skills can support career development and personal self-esteem.  Positively Speaking individual training is suitable for those who are self-employed, looking to start or advance their career, engaging in community initiatives or those who are preparing for a specific speaking occasion.